Technology Based Lesson Planning

For our last tech assignment it was our task to create a lesson that would incorporate media and technology. I decided to work under the ITSE standard 1 which states, “facilitate and inspire learning and creativity.” To me this standard states that teachers prepare learning tasks that allow students to use technology as their creative outlet and a space in which they can create an individual project. I think that this is a really important standard for teachers to reach for in the realm of tech because there are so many different avenues to choose from!!

Technology Based Lesson

I believe that my lesson fulfills this standard and is evidence of that  because it pushes students to use their creativity and use pictures to illustrate a narrative that they have already written. I believe that his is a way students can bring their writing to life while using technology as their creative outlet! Each story would have its own flare and turns into something that students can be really proud of.

After writing this lesson, doing a little demo and reflecting about how it went There are a couple changes that I think I would make to enhance efficiency and prevent student confusion, but there were also sections that I really liked! One section that i did really like was my assessment section. Throughout this lesson I used informative assessments that told me if students were grasping the idea of beginning, middle, and end. We also identified as a class the usefulness of pictures alongside a narrative story. We identified as a class with the read aloud and modeled illustrating when modeling storybird. During both of these sections I used the I do, we do, you do model assessing student’s abilities towards the objectives. I formally assessed students by looking at their beginning, middle, end worksheet  sheet as well as grading their story on storybird and illustrations using the 3 rubrics I designed. This lesson gave me four data points to assess where my students were and allowed for student voice as they filled out the exit ticket to finish up the lesson.

Another thing that I really liked about the lesson was the media that I tried out! I learned about all of these resources through this class and it was cool to put them to use! During this lesson was able to use tech and media throughout the lesson in different ways. I was able to revisit a brainstorm technique we had previously learned and put it on a screen. This website allowed students to create their own kind of brainstorm and pushed them to create their own path rather than using one that they had seen before. I was able to utilize a storytelling website to help students see pictures as they listened to find the different parts of a story. Utilizing this tool allowed me to stop the story and talk about what was happening while still having an image to spur students interest about what was happening. This was also something that the students really liked because of how large the story was and it is always nice to hear someones elses voice once and a while, so it provided a natural transition. The main use of tech was the use of storybird. This was a really cool piece of media to use because students were able to be creative and create something that they were really proud of. This application also allowed students to share their stories to one another as well as provided me with another great artifact of learning.

There were also some parts of my lesson that I would definitely change. I would possibly have only one student write during the bubblus brainstorm at the beginning of the lesson because of how hard it is to write on the whiteboard, but make sure that all students are involved verbally. I would also have changed the sequence of the lesson and had students make the storybird, then actually write their story. It was very hard to find pictures that could go along with the story that  was  already created. I think that this switch would still provide the same amount of creativity and would even help students in the brainstorming process if they had a base of pictures to build off of. I would have also changed the typing portion of the lesson. I would have either taken it completely out or Possibly had an older class come and help students type their stories in storybird because first grade typing is very very slow. Lastly, I would want to Find a way to connect the audio recording to the story. Initially I thought storybird did this but I ended up using a basic audio recorder and would have to save each story individually and play it while clicking through each students story.

Overall, I really learned a lot from this project and have definitely expanded my technological resources. I hope that I continue to challenge myself in this way and provide the best and diverse learning experience for my students.

ISTE Standard 5-Legal and Ethical Behavior in the World of Technology

This week we focused on ISTE standard 5 which states, Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.” To me this standard is saying that as a citizen students are able to understand cultural norms of technology as well as are able to use it appropriately while being aware of the dangers and errors that can be made. While working to understand this standard I identified with section A of this standard that states, “Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.” I think that it is important for students to abide by this part of the standard because of the dangers that a student can fall into while searching the web. It is also important that as a teacher to put precedence on this because as their teacher you are going to be put under a magnify glass if your student falls into trouble under your supervision.

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In hopes to teach my students this standard, this week I wanted to know how to teach my student’s about the correct use of technology as well as look to see if there were resources to teach it! I began my search by reading mandatory class readings to help point me in a direction to find a beneficial resource for my question. I read an article that talked about what digital citizenship was. This article helps unpack standard 5 because it gives examples of what it looks like to practice legal and ethical behavior as well as define all of the different parts of interaction with technology. I liked how this resource gave a definition of what they thought digital citizenship was. I also liked how it gave all of the different parts of citizenships with examples of each.

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I think that the chart that they use for this would be something beneficial to show to students to spark conversation about what is appropriate and safe while searching the Internet. This article lead me to a different blog post on the same site about BYOT to school policies and what was appropriate. This article talked about implementing a “bring your own technology” programs and the rules that went with them. Although I wasn’t really interested in a complete BYOT programs I did like the guidelines that were created for technology by the students. This spurred my idea of as a class creating our own technology rules as a class after learning about the dangers and benefits of the world wide web.

I believe that after learning what standard 5 looks like through making commutative class rules, as well as discussing the chart seen above students will be able to show their understanding through a resource that I found called netsmartz.

Netsmartz is a teacher and student project kit that lets students teach other students about how to act responsibly while using technology and how to be responsible with the information that it gives you! I believe that this would help me as a teacher make sure students understand what it means to be technologically safe as well as gives me an idea on how to continue to teach upon standard 5! I think this would be an excellent resource to show competence of standard 5 and answered my question of the week about guidance materials!


Course Articles:

TeachThought (Accessed 2016). The definition of digital citizenship.

Supporting Article:

TeachThought (Accessed 2016). 11 Sample Education BYOT Policies To Help You Create Your Own.

Resource: Netsmartz